Sovereign House GH - Healthcare

Alberta's Story

Alberta was diagnosed with a hole-in-the-heart in April 2016. She was born with the heart condition known as Tetralogy of Fallot. She required surgery to correct her heart condition and to prevent further deterioration of her health.

The necessary surgery costs $14000.

She loves school and will not keep away despite her constant pain. School gives her something to look forward to, and a place of security and calmness.

Her mother is a head porter who carries fish at the beach for a fee and earns approximately £4-£10 a week.

Alberta is academically gifted and loves school. She attends school regularly in spite of her constant pain. School gives her much hope and she will not leave even when her condition is critical.

She is allowed to lie down in the staff common room and re-joins her class when she gets relief from her pain. She loves to sing and takes part in drama, though she is not able to stand for a long time and sometimes misses playing with her friends due to her health challenges.

She wants to be a mid-wife in future and loves taking care of babies.


March 2021

Alberta is 18 years now. She has completed Junior High and has been admitted to a Senior High school. She will be able to continue studying thanks to the investment in her education years ago.

April 2018

Alberta is healthy and doing very well. She continues with her education and can participate in all activities. With the extra donations an Educational Trust Fund has been set up towards Alberta’s Secondary School cost.

November 2017

Alberta was discharged from the hospital well and healthy. Alberta can now walk more than 1km at a go without help! She is most grateful to all her donors, doctors, and supporters.

October 2017

Alberta had a successful surgery and the doctors are happy with her progress .

September 2017

Grants have been received for the cost of Alberta’s surgery and the full amount required has been funded. She is waiting for the date of her surgery. She is most grateful to all her donors for their donations towards her healthcare cost, especially Ghana Commercial Bank.