2024, News

New Computer Learning Programme to start at Broughton Hub

Our Computer Learning Programme is designed to accommodate learners of all ages and abilities. We offer flexible scheduling to suit various lifestyles, with sessions available throughout the day and into the early evening. The curriculum covers a broad spectrum of topics, including software, hardware, design planning, web development, e-safety, and more. Participants progress through a structured programme at their own speed, with guidance from our dedicated teachers and  mutual encouragement from their peers. This programme aims to equip children with essential skills for the future, boost their self-confidence, and enhance their self-worth.

You can enrol your child in the Computer Learning Programme at Sovereign House GH. Here’s how:

  1. Look for the “Enrol” button on the Computer Learning Programme page.
  2. Follow the instructions provided to complete the enrolment process.

The classes are inclusive and cater to children of mixed age and ability. We give extra support to children who may not otherwise have access to a computer, and/or guardians with no digital skills, giving the children the opportunity to build a positive skill set, gain confidence in their abilities, and be empowered to navigate the digital world effectively.

We’re excited to announce the commencement of our GCSE-focused class at the end of this summer. This class has been instrumental in aiding students to excel in their school’s computer science curriculum. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!